ZULE’s Data & GitHub Crash Course

Isabella Richmond & Kayleigh Hutt-Taylor


Part I: Prep Work

Learning Goals

My goal for this workshop is to give everyone the tools to:

  • Confidently start a project in R
  • Manage files in a way that is reproducible and easy to understand
  • Allow people to document history/progress on their projects
  • Know one approach to publicly archiving projects

Software Installation

  • CHECK-IN: does everyone have everything working/installed?
  • Absolutely the hardest part of this workshop
  • Thank you for doing homework!!
  • If you have technical issues throughout this presentation - raise your hand and we will either work through together or Kayleigh will help you troubleshoot

Transparent Workflows

  • Ensuring that your workflow is transparent is important for:

    • Past/Current/Future You

    • ZULE Lab

    • Collaborators

    • Other grad students

    • Scientific Community

    • PUBLIC

Part II: R & RStudio

Project Management in R

Good file structure is important because it 1

  • Ensures the integrity of your data
  • Makes it easier to share your code with people
  • Makes it easier to upload your code/data with manuscript submission
  • Makes it easier to come back after a break

File Management for R

Best practices include (but are not limited to) 1

  • Use an R Project file so that your project is easily shareable
  • Always treat raw data as read-only
  • Store cleaned data in a separate folder (or distinguish clearly)
  • Treat output as disposable - you should always be able to re-generate with script
  • Have separate function and figure scripts

Cleaning Data in R

  • Reproducible 1
  • Open-source and cross-platform
  • Reliable & clear
  • High-quality graphics
  • Great community & resources
  • Scales with datasets
  • Steep learning curve with a high payoff

Cleaning Data in R

There are some tasks that do not need to be “as reproducible” (e.g., fixing typos) - these can be done in OpenRefine.

In general if you are:

  • Combining data sources

  • Making decisions about the data itself (e.g., removing or adding data)

  • Performing calculations

  • Renaming things

Do this in R (you will be grateful later!)

“Tidy” (or clean) Data:

  • Framework for how data should be formatted for easy and efficient data cleaning created by Hadley Wickham
    • Underpinnings of tidyverse packages (e.g. ggplot2)


  1. Each variable forms a column
  2. Each observation forms a row
  3. Each type of observational unit forms a table

Basic File Structure

Let’s Make a Project

  • Let’s set up a new project, using RProjects

  • Add input, output, script, and figure folders

  • (I recommend you have a place on your computer dedicated to this)

Part II: GitHub

GitHub & Version Control

Piled Higher and Deeper

GitHub & Version Control

  • GitHub is a website-software that documents your progress on a project and allows you to do version control

    • aka it takes snapshots of your progress across time so nothing gets lost
  • If you save rough drafts of your writing as you go along - that is version control

  • Really useful for when you want to go back/change your mind/re-run a test/etc.

  • Facilitates peace of mind + reproducible science + collaboration/sharing

Project Workflow with Git

biost@ts Git Tutorial

Project Workflow with Git + Others

biost@ts Git Tutorial

The Basics of GitHub

  • 5 basic jargon terms you need to know to use GitHub:
    • Repository/repo: your project
    • Clone: make a local copy of your project
    • Commit: describe and commit to any changes you’ve made
    • Push: send your changes to your online repo
    • Pull: incorporate any changes to your local repo
    • (BONUS branch: a side project)
  • We will do all these things today!

Let’s Make a Repository!


Let’s Make a Repository!

ZULE’s GitHub has lots of repositories (including examples) if you are looking for inspiration for folder organization, ReadMe documentation, metadata, etc.

Let’s Make a Repository!

Cloning (Download An Existing Directory)


  • GitHub tracks the changes you make to your repository on your computer

  • After making changes, you have to select, describe, and commit them



After committing, you push your changes to your remote repository

Pulling (Collaboration Station)

  • If you are collaborating on a project, where multiple people are contributing, make sure you pull from the remote repository before starting your work

  • Same button as push (ctrl + shift + P)

Part IV: Archiving Data

Lab Archiving

Archiving your project in the lab requires 4 things:

  1. Paper/thesis
  2. Clean data
  3. Metadata
  4. Code

These things can be organized however you’d like, as long as they are easily understood by someone after you are gone.

Projects need to be added to the lab computer, under the D: drive, in the Lab_Alumni folder

Why Using Git is not Archiving

  • Does not have a DOI, so does not point to a specific moment in time

  • Can be changed continuously

  • Not dedicated to longevity

  • Can import GitHub repository to a true data archive

Public Archiving

  • Zenodo is a great option for archiving data

    • Easily links to GitHub repositories

    • Preserves file structures

    • Can be updated after reviews/changes with a new DOI

    • FREE

  • Other options include Dryad, figshare, and more topic-specific archives (e.g., GenBank)

  • As always, use what works for you


To connect and archive your code/data with Zenodo from GitHub, there are three main steps

  1. Link your GitHub to your Zenodo account, and toggle “On” for your repository
  2. Make a release of the project on GitHub
  3. Obtain DOI and project page from Zenodo

(see an example workthrough here)

NOTE: you do not need to use Git to use Zenodo, you can also upload local files

The Ultimate Combo Deal


This workshop - including examples & code can all be found here and formatted slides are here

Software Carpentry: R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis & Version Control with git

Data Carpentry: Data Analysis & Visualization in R for Ecologists & Data Organization in Spreadsheets for Ecologists

biost@ts: Version Control with Git and GitHub

Happy Git: happygitwithr

University of Bergen: Open Access to Research Data


Smart People I Know: Dr. Christie Bahlai’s Reproducible Quantitative Methods Course & Wildlife Ecology & Evolution Lab’s Guide by Alec Robitaille & Val Lucet’s Git Workshop

PLUS: check out our zup “stats” thread - lots of helpful resources! AND ASK YOUR LABMATES!!!!