ZULE Lab Reading List

Below is a short list of some papers that will get you started in the ZULE Lab. For a more comprehensive list of papers based on all the topics we cover in the lab, take a look through the lab’s shared Zotero library.

Title Authors Year Journal Link
The biodiversity-ecosystem service relationship in urban areas: a quantitative review Carly Ziter 2015 Oikos https://onlinelibrary-wiley-com.lib-ezproxy.concordia.ca/doi/full/10.1111/oik.02883?casa_token=25Lrxw6w8p0AAAAA%3AyKXztAvEwp8EkwdD3m_ge5iUaOSdvHEzO8t4B2g4-JAiP24LNoN8eklj8hDet9c-QGQs3yIX_9tM1Hfr
Capacity, pressure, demand, and flow: A conceptual framework for analyzing ecosystem service provision and delivery Amy Villamagna, Paul Angermeier, Elena Bennett 2013 Ecological Complexity https://www-sciencedirect-com.lib-ezproxy.concordia.ca/science/article/pii/S1476945X1300055X?casa_token=9G_NQu7JYugAAAAA:31BkkXR7y_Qr6XW80zhKN4csGGbeVv4K5UPt67yX3JSqQnNmh96AA1PzO9WliJslmUump_rb_gY
Managing urban ecosystems for goods and services Kevin J Gaston, Maria L Avila-Jimenez, Jill L Edmondson 2013 Journal of Applied Ecology https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1365-2664.12087
Key insights for the future of urban ecosystem services research Peleg Kremer, Zoe Hamstead, Dagmar Haase, Timon McPhearson, Erik Andersson, et al. 2016 Ecology and Society https://www-jstor-org/stable/26270402?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents
Advancing urban ecology toward a science of cities Timon McPhearson et al 2016 BioScience https://academic-oup-com.lib-ezproxy.concordia.ca/bioscience/article/66/3/198/2470145?login=true
The ecological and evolutionary consequences of systemic racism in urban environments Christopher J Schell, Karen Dyson, Tracy L Fuentes, Simone Des Roches, Nyeema C Harris, Danica Sterud Miller, Cleo A Woelfle-Erskine, Max R Lambert 2020 Science https://science.sciencemag.org/content/369/6510/eaay4497.abstract?casa_token=mUfe5sNSq08AAAAA:usmy2vvxiYrmcTPqK7qMBovHWPlGifDmt5lrFc_WqrxTFUPn-XSdGN5MNSK419476SB8zU4vBVLDxYk
Convergence of urban forest and socio-economic indicators of resilience: A study of environmental inequality in four major cities in eastern Canada Felix Landry, Jerome Dupras, Christian Messier 2020 Landscape and Urban Planning https://www-sciencedirect-com.lib-ezproxy.concordia.ca/science/article/pii/S0169204619313349?casa_token=KkpkaKCeEfwAAAAA:TCEZYmvXOn9B0D67BPzB0Qo6UiWlKwaeL5_bbuiBhX_ZDJEfKRFj7VTs6J_NUJuNE8niegbuuBw
Biodiversity in cities needs space: a meta-analysis of factors determining intra-urban biodiversity variation Beninde, Veith, Hochkirch 2015 Ecology Letters https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/ele.12427
The Biological Deserts Fallacy: Cities in Their Landscapes Contribute More than We Think to Regional Biodiversity Spotswood et al 2021 BioScience https://academic-oup-com.lib-ezproxy.concordia.ca/bioscience/article/71/2/148/6102678
Global change and the ecology of cities Grimm, N. B., S. H. Faeth, N. E. Golubiewski, C. L. Redman, J. Wu, X. Bai, and J. M. Briggs 2008 Science https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.1150195